Is it time to invest in a dash cam?
Dashboard cameras, or Dashcams as they are commonly known, are wired into your car and automatically start recording when the car is started. They come with built-in memory and record on a continuous loop, ensuring that you never miss an accident.
These gadgets were once only found in countries where unscrupulous driving practices are a more regular occurrence. Car insurance scams are becoming increasingly more prevalent on UK roads. There has been a sharp increase in the amount of “crash for cash” scams in the UK in recent times. These can take many forms, from fraudsters disabling their own brake lights or “flashing” drivers to let them out of junctions before crashing into them, through to staged accidents and with the use of false witnesses. Whatever the form, these scams come at a severe cost to motorists and the motoring industry.
As a result, a growing number of motorists are using dashcams to protect themselves from fraudsters. In fact, figures from market research company GFK show that dashcam sales have increased by 918% over the last 12 months.
In addition to the peace of mind they offer, these gadgets can save you cash, as a number of insurance providers offer a reduction in your premiums for having one installed. Swiftcover, for instance, offers a discount from 10% up to 12.5% if you install a model of their choosing.
However, anyone considering such a policy would be wise to see if the total savings could be beaten by simply shopping around for a better deal. When considering such a policy it is also important to remember that the cost of the camera needs to be factored in.